воскресенье, 3 марта 2013 г.

Molebsky Triangle

Molebk's Ural village - real backwoods on a joint of Perm Krai and Sverdlovsk region. And the well-known geoabnormal zone known as the Molebsky triangle or the Perm abnormal zone, is located opposite to the village, on the left river bank Sylva. Once this place was to sacred Mansi for the people, the molebny stone on which ceremonies of sacrifices from which and the village name went were made here was located.

In the eighties the last century this settlement thundered all over the country. In 1983 during winter hunting the Perm geologist Emil Bachurin found a round trace with a diameter of 62 meters (on some sources in the 30th years of the XIX century peasants described various aircraft which they saw over "zone") among snow.

From now on "the Molebsky triangle" excites minds of many people: here met the "snow" person, UFOs, and also being shone spheres and other bodies ("плазмоиды"), showing a behavior rationality fly. The researches conducted by numerous amateur and professional expeditions showed existence in a zone of strong biolocational anomaly.

The location of a zone is perfectly known to the Russian and foreign ufologists and tourists, and annually some thousand "pilgrims" come here to join to unknown or, at the worst, it is simple to communicate among themselves on "ultraboundary" subjects. The number of tourists exceeded all admissible limits, a zone simply "trample", and began to carry out any serious researches in this area the almost impossible. In particular, cases of falsifications of traces allegedly are noted by UFOs which in the comic purposes were done by tourists.

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