воскресенье, 3 марта 2013 г.

Death Valley Kamchatka

One more known godforsaken place in Russia is Death Valley on Kamchatka of which it became known still in the early thirties of the XX century.

On the western volcano's slope of Kikhpinych beat hot springs. Their small thermal platforms are cut through by flood gullies, on slopes and at the bottom of which weak streams of acidic hot water, steam and gases are beaten out. Lowermost of platforms got ominous reputation and received a name of Death Valley...

Death Valley was found by hunters at whom dogs likes were lost. Hunters found corpses of dogs in riverheads Geyzerna at the bottom of a volcano of Kikhpinych. Near them on the naked - blades - the earth the great number of the lost birds and animals - bears, wolves, hares lay. In horror hunters from it "devil's cemeteries" ran, and it isn't vain, Soon the dogs who have visited together with people a "bad" place, died, and people began to wither in the eyes: became sluggish, promptly lost flesh, they began inexplicable headaches.

... As soon as the snow, burned as if after a fire, the earth becomes covered by corpses of field mice descends. Attracted with a drop smell foxes there make the way. And too perish. Afterwards bears come... Sea eagles, having seen an easy mark, go down for a dinner and remain in a valley forever...

Hearings about Death Valley dispersed across all Soviet Union, to Kamchatka numerous expeditions rushed. And more than 100 researchers enthusiasts were lost, trying to solve secret of Death Valley, and those who returned, didn't hurry to share the impressions...

Scientists assumed at once that all live on the area 300 meters wide and 2 kilometers long, established presence at them carbon dioxide and hydrogen sulfide. It was confirmed also by analyses, but only in 1982 it was succeeded to establish that at volcanic gases of Death Valley there are also highly toxic cyanic connections.

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