воскресенье, 3 марта 2013 г.

Molebsky Triangle

Molebk's Ural village - real backwoods on a joint of Perm Krai and Sverdlovsk region. And the well-known geoabnormal zone known as the Molebsky triangle or the Perm abnormal zone, is located opposite to the village, on the left river bank Sylva. Once this place was to sacred Mansi for the people, the molebny stone on which ceremonies of sacrifices from which and the village name went were made here was located.

In the eighties the last century this settlement thundered all over the country. In 1983 during winter hunting the Perm geologist Emil Bachurin found a round trace with a diameter of 62 meters (on some sources in the 30th years of the XIX century peasants described various aircraft which they saw over "zone") among snow.

From now on "the Molebsky triangle" excites minds of many people: here met the "snow" person, UFOs, and also being shone spheres and other bodies ("плазмоиды"), showing a behavior rationality fly. The researches conducted by numerous amateur and professional expeditions showed existence in a zone of strong biolocational anomaly.

The location of a zone is perfectly known to the Russian and foreign ufologists and tourists, and annually some thousand "pilgrims" come here to join to unknown or, at the worst, it is simple to communicate among themselves on "ultraboundary" subjects. The number of tourists exceeded all admissible limits, a zone simply "trample", and began to carry out any serious researches in this area the almost impossible. In particular, cases of falsifications of traces allegedly are noted by UFOs which in the comic purposes were done by tourists.


It is the gray tower standing on the mountain, or rather on the high coast at merge of the river of Toyma to Kama, near the city of Yelabuga. In the people this tower is called the Devil's ancient settlement and it is considered that "devils in one night put this tower".

On the Devil's ancient settlement, near a source, I lived in ancient time pustynnik-anakhoret the most strict life. Demons often confused him. Business, certainly, and didn't do without beautiful women whom demons palmed off in a cell анахорета. But анахорет it was steady in piety and the chosen way of a celibacy. And demons all lyuty stepped on the just husband with different temptations, trying to carry away it wordly pleasures. Fight against temptations became in burden to the eremite. To banish demons from itself forever, he conceived to use their force to glorification of the God's name. He offered them one of difficult conditions: to build on the mountain in one night church. Evil spirit, having been delighted to it, immediately turned to work – to get stones from an earth subsoil.
The base was removed soon, windows and doors are done, the church was almost ready, it was necessary to set up only on it a cross, but only on trouble they were sung suddenly by a rooster. As soon as the rooster opened wide a beak as devil force immediately vanished into thin air in an underworld. Behind it with a roar were tumbled down and fell down from the top part of church and the stones. The ancient settlement tower also is that church which is put by hands of devils and therefore is called as the Devil's ancient settlement. Holes within the walls of a tower in which before daws twisted nests, are traces of devil's fingers.
According to other legend, the name received the Devil's ancient settlement from the oracle snake (devil) who lived, as if in the pagan temple which was on this mountain. Ertman who has visited the Devil's ancient settlement says that the ancient settlement was in the ancient time valid the pagan temple of any pagan deity where there lived the priest, serving to the idol and prorekavshiya destiny coming to it, and that the people and possessors of this country treated it with special respect and seduced with its answers enclosed its pagan temple with high walls from stones which could receive much right there. Probably, according to Ertman, that in that time when people were occupied with a structure of walls, Tatars or other people forced to leave work and to leave.
The legend on the Ananyevsky burial ground being near Yelabuga contacts legends about the Devil's ancient settlement.

Medveditsky ridge (Caves and tunnels)

According to stories of old residents, on the Medveditsky ridge there are caves which represent the underground tunnels equal and located in parallel each other diameter, according to different data, from 6 and to 20 meters, besides having smooth and equal walls.  According to legends, in ancient times the Volga robbers, Roma horse thieves who imperceptibly took away horses through these caves in the unknown direction used tunnels that.  However during war in 1942 an entrance to tunnels allegedly blew up.
In geology there is a term "red strip" – those places where modern methods don't look through a planet subsoil. In all USSR at the end of the century of the XX century there were only two such places: under Tbilisi and here, in the Volga region, on the Medveditsky ridge. How many geological exploration didn't try – it wasn't able to probe the soil on depth more than several tens meters, something tightly blocked a way to seismic waves. The simplest hypothesis which occurs, – underground the huge emptiness filled with air. But emptiness can't hang "just like that", the arch has to lean on a bottom at least columns, and columns, though in a different way, but after all carry out seismic waves! Means, it not simple emptiness. And there is a wish to tell that these places as if are covered from a foreign inquisitive glance with a certain screen, but while it – no more than a hypothesis of researchers of the Medveditsky ridge.

At researches from a surface at once was evident that the indicator of width of the arch of a cave – about 7 m suspiciously constantly keeps. Secondly, the cave was extended in one direction. The cave at distance of, at least, 4,5 km was equal, as an arrow.

Whether and cave it? How it is possible to call the hollow underground construction which is precisely maintaining at all distance the direction and width? In the nature still it wasn't known so equal underground rivers, caves, breaks or cracks. And not the simply equal. Under top of one of mountains of the Medveditsky ridge it was found out that equal still, the cave extends to 35 m and this formed hall in different directions under different corners left, at least, 3 more same 7-meter branches. To track further their direction simply there was no time already, and it was possible to guess only that, at least, 2 from them go to already known places of landings of UFO.

There is a set of hypotheses of an explanation of existence of tunnels of the Medveditsky ridge. Some of locals are convinced that these educations are confidential base Soviet (or Russians) military. Some of locals are convinced that these educations are confidential base Soviet (or Russians) military. And flying objects are not UFO, and our, Russian supermodern planes. Others agree that it is military base, but it is created after all by alien newcomers. Or it is simply transport network for movement of their lethal devices.

Long time all attempts to find an entrance to caves were unsuccessful, but at last good luck smiled to researchers. First of all they were interested by structure of walls. On the one hand – walls straight lines as an arrow throughout hundred meters or even kilometers. On the other hand - there are no signs that someone spread walls, they though stone, but have no seams. Strong a wall in any way you won't call - the material slowly but surely crumbles at strong blows even a small engineer shovel. As if the same surrounding sand and stones are pressed or even are burned by someone or something. Later the analysis will show that walls of a round hole were really burned. Could burn such equal courses either people, or fireballs. One lightning such work not on a shoulder, but hundreds and thousands and for one thousand years. And people only used fruits of laborious work of prozhigatel of bowels of the earth.

There was a new version of an origin of caves – gradual burning of courses in the earth fireballs which fly on the same routes (including underground) many and many years (and, probably, both centuries, and the millennia).

Medveditsky ridge (Devil's den)

All attempts to reveal a secret of tunnels come across on as though purposely arranged barriers. Once the group of cave explorers and ufologists got into one forward stroke found by them, but soon researchers causeless sensation of fear seized. Suddenly in a dark tunnel the coming nearer roar was distributed - something rushed towards, and people were put to panic flight. And they one tested horror at an entrance to tunnels. In 1942 before entrances to tunnels were blown up, the soldiers who have visited there as felt inexplicable fear, having appeared in dark depths.

The following team of researchers as returned the upset - the excavation was filled with water. Though rains weren't two months. Excavation should be interrupted. But "forwarding agents" decided not to leave the attempts: land means it was decided to track where strange emptiness under the steppe district conducts. The tunnel proceeded on many kilometers. At last, devices showed that emptiness underground began to grow considerably, width gradually increased with 22 to 80 m, then - to 120. It became more difficult to measure from above everything, the district went on lifting, on mountain top. At many at approach to object of search the head suddenly ached, the equipment began to heat up, devices - to read off scale. So the most resistant reached top of the mountain only and were stupefied: over the earth at meter height flied a system of one hundred heated fiery spheres!

By means of the special equipment of physics carried out geophysical measurements and found out regularity: fireballs beat just there where there are underground failures, and the more emptiness, the category is stronger. On a ridge tens vertical wells with a diameter up to 20 centimeters which leave under the earth on 15-20 meters were found. Walls of openings as if are vitrified. Scientists believe that "the nest of lightnings" what can call the Medveditsky ridge, possesses the lowered electric resistance because of the water source hidden in the earth or deposits of metals. And still it is possible to assume existence of certain power lines (electric fields) along which fireballs fly. There are knots where they aspire. Probably, one of such knots also is the Medveditsky ridge.

Scientists received schedules of change of intensity of a magnetic field of the soil in this abnormal zone. They represent a number of equal, symmetric lines. It means that intensity of a magnetic field of the local soil increases several times, and then as sharply falls, and there is it not spontaneously, and is ordered. Fluctuations of a magnetic field such equal as though invisible power lines here lie.

Locals call this place "A devil's den", and "Kosmopoisk" christened "the reserve of fireballs".

Devil's dens experts yet can't explain properties and the nature, as well as can't find antidote to all to that is created in this zone. Here, for example, it is impossible to make an equal tractor track.Each time the propashny furrow made by the most skilled tractor operator, is next day curve.

And on November 11, 1990 in thirty steps from a country road there was at all a terrible case: local shepherd Bisen M. was lost under very strange circumstances. According to the medicolegal conclusion, "the assistant to the shepherd found the burned body of M lying on the earth without any signs of fight or counteraction to fire. The death came instantly as a result of a sharp carbonization of a body. Opening showed that the young organism to the death was in a full order and that the maximum burn was around a backbone and an internal, and skin only charred and turned black. The reason of ignition is unknown". In the same way two years later combine operator Ivan Ts. burned down

Medveditsky ridge (Slope of mad lightnings)

The most mysterious site of the Medveditsky ridge still there is a place under the name "Slope of Mad Lightnings". Eyewitnesses claim that unimaginable things for the normal person - the Medveditsky ridge there are created as though attracts to itself fireballs. Hundreds facts when fireballs appeared not only in a thunder-storm, but also in quiet weather, at any time, without any reasons seen on that are recorded. Fireballs here tens hours fly on one route and burn out holes or freakish spirals on the trees which have got on the way.

According to observers, lightnings move with a speed of the pedestrian in a half a meter meter from the earth. On trees they determined by burns that the biggest fireball - in the diameter about two meters. Lightnings can fly against a wind and hang over subjects. As it is interesting that the same fireball burned trees on the way, however people or bypassed, or, passing through them, didn't do any harm to health. One of such cases was recorded: long time the woman through whom the fireball when it protected from this fireball of the child flew by was observed. It turned out so that the lightning several times passed through it and the boy. Them in a state of shock took to hospital, but as it appeared, to their health it wasn't done any harm.

All burned trees were recognized as "abnormal" vegetation, carefully studied and measured during one of expeditions. Having searched up and down a ridge, researchers counted more than three hundred fifty trunks burned in whole or in part. In certain cases from a multimeter tree remained only charred пенек height to a knee.

At first there was an assumption that trees burn usual "linear" lightnings. Experts decided to check this hypothesis, the benefit of storm fronts was enough but when on the made research records constructed the chart, scientists were surprised: it appeared that places of hit of linear lightnings don't correspond to the region of the wood with the burned trees.

But it was only the first stage of work. Daily the crews armed with compasses, notebooks, roulettes, went to the wood and measured the areas, forms, an arrangement and the direction of burns on trees. The analysis of burns on trunks of trees showed that 95% from them are located at the height no more than a meter. At considerable part of trees were as if roots and after that the power category burned from within a tree along a trunk through from below up are burned purposefully out. It was similar to that lightnings or something unknown struck a tree not from air, and from under the earth.

The scientific USA and Europe, and no wonder became interested in a phenomenon of fireballs: by number of emergence of fireballs in a year the Medveditsky ridge – on the second place in the world (the first place in Malaysia).

Riddles Devil's cemeteries

The devil's cemetery settles down around a confluence of the river of Kova of Angara, near Ust-Kov's town of the Kezhemsky region of Krasnoyarsk Krai. According to legends, the Devil's cemetery appeared in 1908 right after falling of the Tungus meteorite which epicenter is in 400 km to the North. At first in this abnormal place observed a hole in the earth which was filled up over time with corpses of animals. Legends go that the Tungus meteorite - the spaceship of aliens - before inevitable accident managed to throw out the saving module. That I was as approved one, some kind of "a black box" which contained information on newcomers. Others believed that aliens managed to escape, but... appeared in an Earth's mantle and from there gave signals on a surface. Tens went to a taiga solitude, if not hundreds amateur expeditions since the different ends of the country. And many enthusiasts paid with the lives for attempt to reveal a secret of an abnormal zone. According to the estimates of Far East researchers of the abnormal phenomena, for last years during its searches were lost, about one hundred people including the whole groups, 3 of them were gone completely.
In 1991 of expedition of the Vladivostok ufologists under the leadership of A.Rempel, after long preliminary preparation nevertheless it was succeeded to find a mysterious glade. Researchers found even the image of the devil with an arrow index which, allegedly, cut out in due time at road transfer locals (at further researches it appeared that "arrow" - "remake" and it is only 15-20 years). At approach to a cemetery, according to Alexander Rempel's story, the participant of expedition, the compass strange led, and the device registering electromagnetic radiation, began to show the maximum value. Researchers were just in case divided into two groups: one went to a mysterious glade, another insured it. At approach to Chertov to a cemetery people began to test a strange pricking in all body, communication with insuring group interrupted. The glade was surrounded with black lifeless trees, growing white bones everywhere were seen. There was already twilight, and research decided to postpone inheriting day, having set up camp in kilometer from a glade. Alas, in the morning at a number of participants of expedition so strange problems with health (a body sleep, swelling of joints, sight falling) began that was decided not to risk and conduct research the next year.
However the economic cataclysms which have burst in the country, unfortunately (or perhaps and fortunately? ) didn't allow to organize in the financial plan new expedition so the riddle Devil's cemeteries still isn't opened.

Death Valley Kamchatka

One more known godforsaken place in Russia is Death Valley on Kamchatka of which it became known still in the early thirties of the XX century.

On the western volcano's slope of Kikhpinych beat hot springs. Their small thermal platforms are cut through by flood gullies, on slopes and at the bottom of which weak streams of acidic hot water, steam and gases are beaten out. Lowermost of platforms got ominous reputation and received a name of Death Valley...

Death Valley was found by hunters at whom dogs likes were lost. Hunters found corpses of dogs in riverheads Geyzerna at the bottom of a volcano of Kikhpinych. Near them on the naked - blades - the earth the great number of the lost birds and animals - bears, wolves, hares lay. In horror hunters from it "devil's cemeteries" ran, and it isn't vain, Soon the dogs who have visited together with people a "bad" place, died, and people began to wither in the eyes: became sluggish, promptly lost flesh, they began inexplicable headaches.

... As soon as the snow, burned as if after a fire, the earth becomes covered by corpses of field mice descends. Attracted with a drop smell foxes there make the way. And too perish. Afterwards bears come... Sea eagles, having seen an easy mark, go down for a dinner and remain in a valley forever...

Hearings about Death Valley dispersed across all Soviet Union, to Kamchatka numerous expeditions rushed. And more than 100 researchers enthusiasts were lost, trying to solve secret of Death Valley, and those who returned, didn't hurry to share the impressions...

Scientists assumed at once that all live on the area 300 meters wide and 2 kilometers long, established presence at them carbon dioxide and hydrogen sulfide. It was confirmed also by analyses, but only in 1982 it was succeeded to establish that at volcanic gases of Death Valley there are also highly toxic cyanic connections.