According to stories of old residents, on the Medveditsky ridge there are caves which represent the underground tunnels equal and located in parallel each other diameter, according to different data, from 6 and to 20 meters, besides having smooth and equal walls. According to legends, in ancient times the Volga robbers, Roma horse thieves who imperceptibly took away horses through these caves in the unknown direction used tunnels that. However during war in 1942 an entrance to tunnels allegedly blew up.
In geology there is a term "red strip" – those places where modern methods don't look through a planet subsoil. In all USSR at the end of the century of the XX century there were only two such places: under Tbilisi and here, in the Volga region, on the Medveditsky ridge. How many geological exploration didn't try – it wasn't able to probe the soil on depth more than several tens meters, something tightly blocked a way to seismic waves. The simplest hypothesis which occurs, – underground the huge emptiness filled with air. But emptiness can't hang "just like that", the arch has to lean on a bottom at least columns, and columns, though in a different way, but after all carry out seismic waves! Means, it not simple emptiness. And there is a wish to tell that these places as if are covered from a foreign inquisitive glance with a certain screen, but while it – no more than a hypothesis of researchers of the Medveditsky ridge.
At researches from a surface at once was evident that the indicator of width of the arch of a cave – about 7 m suspiciously constantly keeps. Secondly, the cave was extended in one direction. The cave at distance of, at least, 4,5 km was equal, as an arrow.
Whether and cave it? How it is possible to call the hollow underground construction which is precisely maintaining at all distance the direction and width? In the nature still it wasn't known so equal underground rivers, caves, breaks or cracks. And not the simply equal. Under top of one of mountains of the Medveditsky ridge it was found out that equal still, the cave extends to 35 m and this formed hall in different directions under different corners left, at least, 3 more same 7-meter branches. To track further their direction simply there was no time already, and it was possible to guess only that, at least, 2 from them go to already known places of landings of UFO.
There is a set of hypotheses of an explanation of existence of tunnels of the Medveditsky ridge. Some of locals are convinced that these educations are confidential base Soviet (or Russians) military. Some of locals are convinced that these educations are confidential base Soviet (or Russians) military. And flying objects are not UFO, and our, Russian supermodern planes. Others agree that it is military base, but it is created after all by alien newcomers. Or it is simply transport network for movement of their lethal devices.
Long time all attempts to find an entrance to caves were unsuccessful, but at last good luck smiled to researchers. First of all they were interested by structure of walls. On the one hand – walls straight lines as an arrow throughout hundred meters or even kilometers. On the other hand - there are no signs that someone spread walls, they though stone, but have no seams. Strong a wall in any way you won't call - the material slowly but surely crumbles at strong blows even a small engineer shovel. As if the same surrounding sand and stones are pressed or even are burned by someone or something. Later the analysis will show that walls of a round hole were really burned. Could burn such equal courses either people, or fireballs. One lightning such work not on a shoulder, but hundreds and thousands and for one thousand years. And people only used fruits of laborious work of prozhigatel of bowels of the earth.
There was a new version of an origin of caves – gradual burning of courses in the earth fireballs which fly on the same routes (including underground) many and many years (and, probably, both centuries, and the millennia).